2019 Perrine Aubin-Teyssier has defended her PhD 2016 Muriel Sebastien’s has left the lab after her PhD defense at the end of 2016, to perform a post-doc at McGill University, Montreal, Canada 2015 Alexis Osseni has left the lab after his PhD defense at the end of 2015 to join B. Jasmin’s lab in Ottawa, Canada.
Zedd Grenoble
Marine Cacheux « Master in Myology » of the French Myology Society, 2008 Alexis Osseni Best poster presentation at the AFM meeting, June 2013 John Rendu Best poster – International congress of the World Muscle Society, Azilomar, USA – 2013 Muriel Sebastien Best poster – Gordon research Seminar – Newry, USA, june 2015 Best oral communication of the French Myology Society – Lyon, nov 2015 Best young researcher oral presentation at the Myology 2016 meeting – Lyon, march 2016
Pelletier L, Petiot A, Brocard J, Giannesini B, Giovannini D, Sanchez C, Travard L, Chivet M, Beaufils M, Kutchukian C, Bendahan D, Metzger D, Franzini Armstrong C, Romero NB, Rendu J, Jacquemond V, Faure J, Marty I. Acta Neuropathol. Commun.2020; 8(1):192
Bosson C, Rendu J, Pelletier L, Abriat A, Chatagnon A, Brocard J, Brocard J, Figarella-Branger D, Ducreux S, Van Coppenolle F, Sagui E, Marty I, Roux-Buisson N, Faure J. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (2020) 23(11):1021-1027. PDF
Sébastien M., Aubin P., Brocard J., Brocard J., Marty I., Fauré J. Molecular Biology of the Cell (2019) 26:mbcE19070399. PDF
Cacheux M, Fauconnier J, Thireau J, Osseni A, Brocard J, Roux-Buisson N, Brocard J, Fauré J, Lacampagne A, Marty I. Molecular Therapy (2020) 28, 171-179. PDF
Garibaldi M, Rendu J, Brocard J, Lacene E, Fauré J, Brochier G, Beuvin M, Labasse C, Madelaine A, Malfatti E, Bevilacqua JA, Lubieniecki F, Monges S, Taratuto AL, Laporte J, Marty I, Antonini G, Romero NB Acta Neuropathologica Communications (2019) 7, 3 PDF indisponible
Sébastien M, Giannesini B, Aubin P, Brocard J, Chivet M, Pietrangelo L, Boncompagni S, Bosc C, Brocard J, Rendu J, Gory-Fauré S, Andrieux A, Fourest-Lieuvin A, Fauré J, Marty I. Skeletal Muscle (2018). 8, 30. PDF
Marty I., Fauré J. J. Neuromuscular Diseases (2016) 3, 443-453. PDF Rencontre entre les malades et les chercheurs de l’équipe sur Youtube
Osseni A., Sébastien M., Sarrault O., Baudet M., Couté Y., Fauré J., Fourest-Lieuvin A., Marty I. J. Cell Science (2016) 129, 3744-3755. PDF