the organization
The Inserm and University Grenoble Alpes affiliation has been renewed for the period 2021-2025.
The new name of the team is now Cellular Myology and Pathology (C-MyPath) in the research center U1216.
The team is actively involved in the Regional Reference Center for Neuromuscular Diseases (PACA-Réunion-Rhone Alpes). It is part of the MyoNeurALP alliance, an AFM-Téléthon funded strategic consortium dedicated to the understanding of neuromuscular diseases
Certified in 2006 by the Ministry of Health, and in close interaction with the Institut NeuroMyoGene (Lyon) and Institut de Myology (Paris).
Three axes of development
Understanding the function of this complex, and its targeting to the triad is necessary for the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms and the development of new therapies. To reach this purpose, the following axes are developed in the team:
Intracellular traffic
We study the traffic of triad’s proteins, the formation of the calcium release complex and the function of proteins of the calcium release complex in the formation of triads, in interaction with other elements like microtubules.
Pathophysiological mechanisms in myopathies
We identify the pathophysiological mechanisms resulting of mutations in a protein of the calcium release complex, thanks to the development and characterization of cellular or animal models. This allow us to understand the function of proteins involved in the complex, and the pathologies related to their alteration.
Therapeutic development
We are working on the development of treatments to correct the mutations resulting in congenital myopathies, with a focus on RyR1 mutation resulting in Central Core Disease.